Thursday, March 13, 2014

To be Economically Rational

Ethics: it’s what separates us from the animals – even if they got a hold of some thumbs and a sense of humor and even some heavy machinery.

With the ability to choose to do wrong, there is also the ability to choose to do right. I’m not suggesting that solution is that we all gather on a hillside to eat carrots and hug, but we could start small, say, cut out denying people access to health care when they are dying and have children to support.  I don’t care about the economic rationality of universal health care; that is not the ultimate standard by which all must be judged. 

The more the religious right screams about morality, the greater the erosion of our personal standards of ethics. Maybe it’s because they think that god is in control, wealth = cleanliness and so all is right with the world (those who are suffering deserve it), but I believe that no matter the existence of a god or not, we have an obligation to allow ourselves to be the community-oriented and socially-engaged creatures that we are without sacrificing all of that in the name of competitive profiteering. 

It’s not economically rational, but fuck economic rationality. 

Yay for humanity, boo for pirates.

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